Illinois quick hits: Migrant flights begin; nurses give final offer; Springfield, Decatur selected

Migrant flights begin

Just days after the city of Chicago said it would impound buses that improperly dropped off migrants, a private plane carrying 120 migrants landed at O’Hare Airport on Tuesday night. WTTW reports the plane came from El Paso, Texas, and was chartered by the Texas Department of Emergency Management. A statement from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s office said since the mayor is failing to live up to his cities’ "Welcoming City” ordinance by targeting migrant buses, Texas is expanding their operation to include flights to Chicago.

Nurses give final offer

The ongoing labor dispute between a Joliet hospital and its nurses may drag on. According to the Illinois Nurses Association, nearly 80% of the nurses at St. Joseph Medical Center rejected the hospital’s administration’s latest offer. Ascension Healthcare had called the offer its best and final offer. The main sticking points are wages and the way nurses are assigned to various units.

Springfield, Decatur selected

Two Illinois communities were announced as recipients of a federal program to address unemployment among certain age ranges. The Biden administration announced 22 cities will share in $200 million in economic and workforce development projects that “connect workers to good jobs in geographically diverse and persistently distressed communities across the country.” Projects in Springfield and Decatur were among the winners.

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