Insurance companies warn drivers of active deer as autumn and deer hunting season approach

Autumn means deer are at their most active, and the fall season is the most likely for collisions between cars and the large animals. State Farm Insurance warns motorists that more than 55,000 Illinois drivers collide with animals every year, ranking the state number 11 in the nation. The most common scenario for striking an animal on the highway is while on a paved, rural road without much traffic, and the sky is not quite dark.

Additionally, just one risky driving behavior, such as speeding or using your phone, increases the chance of an animal collision by more than 20%.               

State Farm also advises drivers to slow down, use extra caution in known animal crossing zones, especially at dusk and dawn, and avoid swerving when they see an animal. Brake firmly when you notice an animal in or near your path, but stay in your lane. Many serious crashes occur when drivers swerve to avoid a deer and hit another vehicle or lose control of their cars.

When driving at night, use high-beam headlights when there is no oncoming traffic. The high beams will better illuminate the eyes of any deer on or near the roadway.  If you encounter a deer or other animal, switch your headlights to low beam so the animals are not blinded and will move out of your way.

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