“A really great show for people that aren’t as fond of musical theater…”: A discussion with Cami Kern and Hannah Levin of The Muni’s Rock of Ages

Stop. Do you hear that sound? No, it’s not the stereo, or even the radio; it’s the newest show from The Muni, Rock of Ages! Featuring the biggest hits of the 1980s rock n’ roll scene, the performance includes music from the likes of Twisted Sister, Poison, Journey, Quiet Riot, and many more!

As the show is starting on June 23 – and is running first until June 25 and then from June 28 to July 1 – we knew we just had to have a discussion with two of the individuals taking part in the show prior to that!

So we were just thrilled when Hannah Levin – waitress #1 – and Cami Kerns – another waitress and, also, a featured dancer – had the time to come in and get to know us a bit better; they told us – amongst other things – what exactly makes Rock of Ages such a special show in the first instance.

Both Hannah and Cami have just loads of experience on the stage; when they came into the studio, their bright, cheery smiles lit the whole place up like the sun itself.

When we found a nice place to sit down and chat in, we learned both about the upcoming show, as well as about the two individuals before us taking part in it!

They are both from the general area originally, and they both have similar stories as it concerns the origin of their passion for acting and singing, and dancing.

Cami went to school for musical theatre and has been with The Muni troupe since 2014. Rock of Ages is her seventh show with them, although – as she noted with a smile and laugh – Hannah does have a few more shows under her belt!

But Hannah isn’t frazzled by the compliment; she also has been acting for as long as she can remember – her grandmother was once a dancer back east in New York – and so she appraises this work as merely a part of her.

As we made it through the personal and professional insights of our two guests and turned to the show properly, we asked each of them what emotions the show brought out in people – young and old. Cami – through her answer – made sure to put the show into perspective and reference in a way that seemed natural and perfectly put.

“I think it’s like the ultimate mixtape for, like, not only the generation that grew up in it and with it, but I mean, for anyone that loves this kind of music. And I think we’ll end up getting some showgoers as new fans of the music that may not know rock and roll to begin with.”

Hannah quickly piggybacked on what Cami noted.

“It’s a really great show for people that aren’t as fond of musical theater because this features rock music that everybody loves and is generally familiar with.”

As the energy and excitement built during our discussion, one could tell how proud and enthused both individuals were with the show and the work that they and their castmates have accomplished to this date.

Cami jumped back in at this point, wishing to note that the show could very well leave you humming different songs than you came in lightly singing to yourself. Furthermore, she did wish to make clear that there is a bit of spice in the show at times – the language and themes of a show that takes place in LA around the Sunset Strip are worth noting, of course.

“The iconic songs are done in different scenarios with different types of voice, but I mean, they’re all incredibly impressive. So I think you may come in with a favorite and leave with another.

But I also do think it’s a good point to bring up that we have a content advisory for it [the show]. It’s PG-13, because of the themes- it’s a little spicy.

I mean, rock and roll can be that way, so we just like to put that out there. But I do think that our directors, Andrew and Morgan, handled it in the best way for everyone. The show – it’s a lot of fun, but I will mention the content.”

But how can tickets be purchased for such a marvelous-sounding show? Well, Hannah had all of the information that interested folks might need in this vein.

“For tickets, you would go to TheMuni.org, and they use MetroTix, which is an online ticketing system. You can still order your tickets online the day of the show, but if that’s something that you’re not as comfortable with, you can still go and order from the box office when you get there for the show, too.”

As we were getting ready to conclude our time speaking together, Cami made sure to include the final, vital bits of information that could make or break one’s time at The Muni for Rock of Ages.

“There’s general seating, but you can bring your blanket, basket, or whatever you want to do; there’s also assigned seating available as well.”

Our thanks to Hannah and Cami, the entire cast of Rock of Ages, and The Muni for all of their time, transparency and consideration.

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