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Davis Declares Narrow Victory In 13th House District; Londrigan Says Still Too Close To Call

UPDATE: Shortly after midnight, with fewer than one-half of one-percent of precincts still out, Davis led Londrigan by 3,500 votes, 50.7-49.3%.
ORIGINAL STORY: In the tightest race of the night, Congressman Rodney Davis says he is the winner in the 13th Congressional District, narrowly defeating Democrat Betsy Dirksen Londrigan after she had led for most of Election Night.
Shortly before midnight, Davis told supporters in Taylorville that he was humbled by the chance to serve for two more years in Congress. He said he believes his narrow lead will hold up when the final votes are counted. At that point, Davis held a 1500-vote lead with two-percent of precincts still outstanding.
A short time earlier, Londrigan told supporters in Springfield that she was not conceding and wanted to see how the rest of the vote turned out before making any decisions on the race. There are potentially uncounted mail-in and provisional ballots that might have some impact on the race if the margin remains tight.